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The beauty of small

1 min read
The beauty of small

Less can come in many forms. You can have fewer things; you can do fewer things, use fewer words; you can focus on fewer things.

But less isn’t just fewer: it can also be smaller.

Small is often downplayed in this world of “bigger means better.” But small is beautiful, and often better.

  • Smaller banks aren’t “too big to fail,” requiring bailouts when they’re mismanaged, and yet they make significant community loans.
  • Smaller teams are more agile, can adapt to changing environments faster, don’t require as much management or communication overhead, can work cheaply and from anywhere.
  • Smaller cars use less gas, are more maneuverable, cause fewer deaths, use fewer resources.
  • Smaller homes require less heating, less cleaning, less maintenance, force you to simplify, and cozier.
  • Smaller programs use fewer computer resources, take up less computer power and thus help the environment, work faster, and get the job done with a minimum fuss.
  • Smaller suitcases (such as a small backpack) are more comfortable to carry around, fit easier in overhead compartments, don’t require you to check luggage, and worry about luggage not getting to the right destination to pack and unpack.
  • Smaller websites (in terms of file sizes) are more comfortable to load, faster, more responsive.
  • Smaller companies are also more sensitive, less expensive, hungrier, more focused.
  • Shorter people are often faster, more agile, humbler, take up fewer resources, and are very beautiful (my children are an example).
  • Haikus packs a lot of punch into three tiny lines.
  • Smaller posts don’t take as much time to write or read, which is suitable for a lazy blogger. And a busy reader.

Small is beautiful. Aim for smaller when it makes sense, and enjoy the wonder that ensues.


Richard Twitter

I'm a creative front-end developer from the Netherlands, and this is my blog. I write about code, cycling, quantified self, and everyday life. I'm a proud father of twins.


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