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I'm a creative front-end developer from the Netherlands, and this is my blog. I write about code, cycling, quantified self, and everyday life. I'm a proud father of twins.

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All about Stillness

All about Stillness
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Four antidotes to procrastination

Four antidotes to procrastination
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Pairing down your life

Pairing down your life
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Developing a more flexible mind

Developing a more flexible mind
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Small actions, huge impact

The problems with these everyday situations are that we take the big picture, the overwhelming nature of it all, and use it not to do anything. Instead, I’ve found it useful to pick one tiny action. It can change everything. Some examples: 1. I have too much to do

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We should all smile more often, in general. Just the simple act of smiling or laughing can make you happier. But even better: smile at a stranger. Too often, we brush past strangers without a glance or a straight or scowling face. At best, we might give people a tolerant

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How to get back on the exercise train

It’s a story most of us have lived through at some time or other: we begin an exercise program, and it’s going well, but after a week or two or a month or two or even a year or two, we fall off the program. Then we might

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How to get healthy and fit (part 2)

How to get healthy and fit (part 2)
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Make it your job

Make it your job
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The three secrets to happiness

We all know that money can’t buy happiness, but many times we act as if we’d be happier with a bit more money. We are conditioned to want to be rich (when we know the rich aren’t happy either); we are trained to want the latest gadget