The magic of a fresh start
One of the biggest obstacles to sticking with a habit change, a new system, a goal, or a long-term project … is that we get disrupted.
The honest guide to Mindfulness
Mindfulness has (amazingly, wonderfully) become quite a buzzword in the last decade or so, and for a good reason. It's powerful and can help us become more present, happier, more focused, and much more.
Tracing my roots
Tracing my roots has been lingering in my head for quite some time now. A few years ago, I talked to my brother about our ancestors in the East. My dad was born in Yogjakarta, Indonesia, and all we know was that he came to the Netherlands by boat early
New Year: the beautiful minimalism of a blank slate
We have a new year upon us, and while "January 1" is just an arbitrary date, for most of us, it feels like a new beginning. And there's something beautifully minimalist about this new beginning — it's a blank slate, where we can do anything, imagine possibilities, become a new person.
2020 is coming to an end
Wow. What a year. I think it's safe to say that the best thing about 2020 is that it's over. Coming out of that flaming train wreck of a year, the last thing we need is to start 2021 beating ourselves up for all how we fell short in the
Essential meaningful productivity
I don’t care about being efficient and productive to be a better person, to get more done, to be more awesome. Cranking out more stuff for productivity’s sake doesn’t interest me anymore (it used to). Today, I care about productivity only as it affects my mission. I’
How to train yourself to stay focused
These days, it’s a common problem: switching between browser tabs and apps on your phone, checking social media and messages and email, thinking about the million things you have to do but putting them off … Anything but staying focused on one task at a time. And it’s hard
The most important two minutes in your life
Two minutes here and there rarely matter very much over a day, a week, a lifetime. But there are two minutes you could spend, right now, that would have a significant impact on your life. I’ll save you the suspense: it’s two-minute meditation. And it’s straightforward: take
The practice of letting go
There are several times when our mind clings to something tightly, and it is rarely helpful: * I am right, the other person is wrong * That person is living their life in the wrong way, they should change * My preference is the best way, others are wrong * This is the thing