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Overwhelmed with your fitness journey?

Overwhelmed with your fitness journey?
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Benefits of Working Out Barefoot

I've gifted myself a pair of VivoBareFoot shoes. VivoBarefoot is a footwear company that produces a range of shoes with a minimal design and a focus on natural movement. The company's products are designed to allow the feet to move and function as they would naturally to promote foot health

Benefits of Working Out Barefoot
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The benefits of kettlebells

Kettlebell workouts have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their versatility and effectiveness in improving strength, endurance, and overall physical fitness. Here are just a few of the benefits of incorporating kettlebell workouts into your fitness routine: 1. Full-body workouts: Kettlebell exercises involve multiple muscle groups at once,

The benefits of kettlebells
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How to get back on the exercise train

It’s a story most of us have lived through at some time or other: we begin an exercise program, and it’s going well, but after a week or two or a month or two or even a year or two, we fall off the program. Then we might

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Father's day ride

I'm slowly getting some miles on my bike again. I'm pretty stoked about it!