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Everyday life

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Pairing down your life

Pairing down your life
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We should all smile more often, in general. Just the simple act of smiling or laughing can make you happier. But even better: smile at a stranger. Too often, we brush past strangers without a glance or a straight or scowling face. At best, we might give people a tolerant

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A method to find balance

Despite the insipid title of this post, work-life balance is a bit of a myth. Sure, we work too much, don’t have time for all the other things we want to do, are always tired, eat convenience food or comfort food rather than nutritious or nourishing food, never have

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Make it your job

Make it your job
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The three secrets to happiness

We all know that money can’t buy happiness, but many times we act as if we’d be happier with a bit more money. We are conditioned to want to be rich (when we know the rich aren’t happy either); we are trained to want the latest gadget

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Turn inspiration into action

Turn inspiration into action
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Constant task switching

I know I’m losing focus when I’m always jumping around from task to task. This is a “red flag” for me — a sign that I’m doing something wrong. You’ve done it too: switching from one browser tab to another, opening various emails and other messages, checking

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How to start meditating

Meditation has hit the mainstream! We’re hearing it talked about more and more, scientific studies are being conducted on its’ benefits, and grade schools are even starting to teach it to students. And it all makes perfect sense. We know that exercise is vital for our physical health, and

How to start meditating
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Let's talk about sleep

Let's talk about sleep
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The importance of a morning routine

Let's talk about my morning routine. For a while now, I made my morning routine into a daily habit. I've tried different versions of a morning routine in the past, and have enjoyed them immensely. I just haven't stuck with one for a month or more, but I finally have